The Grand Chase is the second animated short created by Motionlab for ESC, Sydney’s first gaming-themed restaurant. Designed as an entertaining content piece rather than an advertisement, the video immerses guests in a high-energy kart race, showcasing ESC’s playful and immersive spirit.
Set against neon-lit tracks and imaginative gaming worlds, the story follows a thrilling chase filled with twists and challenges. Told without voice-over, it relies on dynamic visuals and vibrant 2D animation to captivate diners while seamlessly blending into ESC’s lively atmosphere.
The Grand Chase reflects ESC Sydney and its mission to create a space where food, fun, and creativity converge. It delivers an exciting narrative that aligns perfectly with the restaurant’s identity and elevates the dining experience.
If you enjoyed this, be sure to check out our other animation for ESC, The Big Battle, which takes viewers on an action-packed adventure in a virtual ninja dojo.